Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Natural Organic Skin Care and Makeup

While there are organic focused stores around Markham, it seems to be higher to find truly natural skin care products. Which is annoying, especially in this climate…

But luckily there is this great thing called “internet”, which means that there is always room for research and comparison shopping. You can even find freebee samples, if you look hard enough…

For example, if you are interested in pure and natural organic makeup solutions, check out this list of high quality organic makeup brands. There is also a growing resource on natural organic skin care products.

But don’t get boggled down if you can’t find brands. Sometimes best solutions for your skin can be made from seasonal organic groceries. Great seasonal bargains such as parsley or cucumber can serve as excellent bases for face masks. While oatmeal is the greatest natural exfoliator and it is the gentlest to your skin.

The reason I am stressing organic skin care, and have shifted everyone around over to it, is that when you actually read the ingredients on the modern beauty products you realize that they are loaded with carcinogens, parabens, synthetics, colors, fragrances… None of this stuff should be going into your system. So putting it all over your skin (and mouth!) and then waiting for anti-aging effects seems insane to me.

In Markham we don’t quite have the same amount of organic stores as in Central Toronto. (But if you are ever around the “Greek Town” area, you must check out “Big Carrot”. There is not a brand of high quality organic skin care and natural makeup that you won’t find! They even have Tautropfen – an extremely elusive high class German brand of organic cosmetics.) Which is a pity. But hopefully as the “green awareness” is increasing, so will our city. After all, we are the first in GTA to officially ban pesticides on loans. And that is to be applauded. Even if my backyard does resemble a conservation area for unique weed species.

And last word of caution: natural skin care is one of the most difficult things to identify because the word “natural” has no clear legal meaning, and companies stick it left and right, hoping to sway consumers to their side. Even if the so called “natural” product are about as natural as a plastic coating for your face. Read about organic skin care myths so you can familiarize yourself with common misconceptions. And do your best to avoid them!

Cheers, and pretty faces :)